32-Bit Version

Lets try something to fix this problem and you may find we have done something right.

Open the NVIDEA Control panel. Know how?

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Yas, (20 Signs)(20 Signs)(20 Signs)

By default Intel grafix takes over so set all your games to only run on NVIDEA card.

Open nvidia control panel, look for and click “Manage 3d setting.”

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So i like your comment if i am done with the “task” ok?

Find and click on the Programs Settings tab.

2 choices here.

select a program to customize


add you program and modify the settings

Ok so which one should i edit?


No, modify the setting.

If you games are not already in the drop down box under select a program, then you have to add the program.

They are all… [20 Characters :rage:]

Then select your program (minecraft) and tell it to use the nvidia card and not the intel card by default

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do this with all your games and do it to your java also

Mineplex, League of Legends, all of them

I think my reccomendations would be to scrap the laptop as server. It seems it would take quite a lot of tinkering and adjustments to get your wireless dongle to play nice.

If your wireless donlge lags on you PC (who has considerable more powerful hardware) you can be pretty sure it will lag on the laptop. Running a minecraft server with several users requires a lot of network traffic to keep all the players, blocks and entities in sync.

Also when your minecraft world grows, it will quickly take a lot of harddrive space.

To compare:
I run a MineOS server with 8 more or less active minecraft servers, and four minecraft test servers (to test nev servertypes and such).
I have a dedicated box with 32 GB ram and an insane amout of harddrive available. It is placed on a network cable connection at a short as possible distance from my internet gateway. I still occationally experiense lag in minecraft (!).

As for harddrive size: My largest minecraft server (and that one is relatively small when you compare to the big online servers available on net, we are only about 10 users) has now archives that take 6.5 GB each.

As much as I love that you wish to run the server yourself, it is after all a great learning experience, I would probably talk to my mates and talk about pooling our money for a shared realm instead, until you can get your hands on more powerful hardware, and a way to put your server on a network cable.

If you are VERY sure that you wish to make our laptop do server duty, I would probably invest in a new wireless network card (from one of the larger, more known producers of such)to your other computer, leaving the network cable for your server.

Ok so thanks to clarify all this up for me :smiley: About the space that is needed, that is something i dont worry about… if the space is full, then just make more :smiley: And about my Internet Dongle, (First off i am very sorry that im such an idiot and never thought of this) The MineOS PC next to my router and my main PC is far far away from my router… so that would be the problem…

EDIT: I just search the Internet for this driver, and trust me, i wont surrend to the Dongle :smiley:

Maybe found something (but i think this isnt the problem) if i type “iwconfig” nothing else than wlan0 responds, but with “Power Managment: Off”… is this supposed to be like this?

I have 2 lan cables going to my server and all my kids and myself hook up to the server wireless through the router.

Use 1 thread per core and only never let intel grapgics card do anything and we all have zero lag.

Very fast.

I believe you need ‘root’ acces to modify any of those files.

Not sure but you should not have root.

Maybe this helps:

I login with following data

[My password]

And one question?
How can i like scroll up, or smth like that?
Because if i do iwlist scan it gets something but i cant see it

I really don’t mess around in there too much but I would guess you need to use a switch.

So i just found it out its Shift+PgUp/PgDown