Unable to Start Server

Ok. Have you logged into the webUI (MineOS) using root to create servers?

All files in the game server direcotry should be owned by the game user, and you should never use root to log into your web UI

Try to use this comand in the server game directory
chown -R mcserver: *
to reset the file ownership to the non-root user.

then use the mcserver user to log into the webUI and try to set the correct jar and start the game :slight_smile:

I have only been using the default login of mcserver and password mcserver. Fresh install (same process as when it worked) so permission should have not changed. Looks like the chown command has not changed anything but could be me doing something wrong.

How are things looking now?


I really appreciate the help! thanks so much

Also just ran chown inside of the shell for my MineOS server

The direcotry , and … are the current dir and the directory bellow current. those are correct

It also seems like your OS do not follow the standard for chown, since the group of the minecraft dir stills is “games”

it should have been the login group of mcserver… Which should have been the same as the user.

More info on chown: https://www.computerhope.com/unix/uchown.htm

Since it does’nt seem to folllow standards, try this command:

chown -R mcserver:mcserver /var/games/servers/*

Would I run chown -R mcserver:mcserver /var/games/servers/* in my server shell or the shell of the MineOS. I use freenas as the main server host with MineOS as a plugin/jail.

Using Shell of Freenas Server

Using Shell of MineOS Server

Actually, I don’t know. I do not use freenas and a jailed MineOS myself. I use Virtualbox and ubuntu server with MineOS installed.

This screenshot shows:


Above, your screenshots show


What version of ubuntu do you run? I might give this a try as I can easily run virtual instances of ubuntu server etc. Should save all these bugs hopefully.

Whoops may have typed incorrect paths, Will try again.

I always use the LTS version from here: https://ubuntu.com/download/server
And then this method to get MineOS: MineOS | mineos-node