Trying to setup forge modded server

Hi there,

I downloaded the MineOS docker for unraid as I want to host a few servers and my unraid server is on 24/7 so might as well use the extra power from it.

From what I gathered, I need to sftp to transfer files over.

I created a forge server on port 25566 and downloaded WinSCP and tried connecting via SFTP, with my local IP address, port 25566, and both mc + pass and root + pass.

But for both I’m getting errors, mainly connection refused. Am I doing something wrong? Ideally, I would appreciate if someone could link me a thread that by chance has a step by step guide on how to setup a modded server with MineOS, as I am still pretty new to unraid and linux as a whole.

Either way, any help would be greatly appreciated.


SFTP works over SSH’s port, which is 22. Connecting to your server should instead then be: [mineos host ip]:22 (not 25565).

Well in my solution you do not need sftp only ssh.

The wget link is differ to all modpacks so first of all try to figure out your servers download link (with either download it to your pc and in the downloads menu of your browser copy it’s link or some other way)