No profiles available. Internet connection functional

i used the mc account, i only started using the root account to try to solve the problem

Can you post the output for /var/games/minecraft and /usr/games/minecraft using the command ls -la
Also, I’d be interested to see /var/games/minecraft/profiles/ as well.

Your log shows some successful profiles downloaded.

Your log also shows that there’s an error in one of the files. If you’ve only updated, then that error could very well still be there. You should reset. I can see from your original post, you only did the reset on a different install.

If my suspicion is correct, you should find that profiles.js is the problematic file here:

[root@rcmc ~]# md5sum /usr/games/minecraft/profiles.js
4ba2b61e2e49396d4b843a9a88bb7475 /usr/games/minecraft/profiles.js

In fact, it’d be lovely to get my hands on the profiles.js file, personally, so I can test the webui against it, reproduce your issue, and anticipate/codefix this issue out.

Secondarily, it seems like you were copy/pasting from putty. This isn’t giving us a complete logfile–it’s cutting off all the content that is too far to the right of the page (it’s not wrapping). It worked well in pastebin, but just keep in mind that the best way to get these files untouched is using a program like Filezilla.

Regardless, whether I get a copy of that file is immaterial; getting your installation working seems like a matter of just getting profiles.js where it should be.

cd /usr/games/minecraft
md5sum profiles.js
git reset --hard origin/master

Then restart your host.

here is my profiles.js file
I decided to just install mineos on baremetal hardware instead of using a VM and it seems to work fine.

Like @hexparrot, I’d be interested in what the differences are between the two setups. And if you are able to spin up another VM and see if it’ll have the same problem or not.