After what I’m certain is hundreds of hours of development and learning node.js, the new MineOS webui is readying for use!
mineos-node, the latest iteration of the web user interface, has taken shape very well and makes huge advancements over the Python-based webui that has been my primary project for a few years now.
mineos-node now leverages node.js which allows all actions to report to the webui in real-time, whether it is logging, or just getting second-by-second updates of disk usage, memory usage, etc.
Profiles have been entirely redone and I hope that profile confusion can be a thing of the past. As of this moment, all mojang official jars and FTB server packs are listed in the webui, with almost every one working without more than a simple ‘start’.
I have a new scheduling system which should allow literal crontab format to be saved and used for major server actions, such as starting, stopping, archiving, backing up, and sending messages to the console. The list of available actions will increase once the webui starts seeing some good testing feedback, as I don’t want to constantly delay release for minor features.
It’s important to note this is not production-ready. That does not mean it is unsafe, by any means, or unstable (but very well could have some glaring issues), but that is what this pre-release testing is asking for: I’m looking for feedback regarding the following aspects:
- installation ease
Currently I’m aiming for this to work only on Debian/Ubuntu (apt-get) and I will get it to work on all systems, eventually. - glaring errors
Are there any actions you need to do that just crash everything…or just doesn’t work. - creating a server/profiles workflow
At this moment, the import server code is not in place (but it will be, soon), but I’m really keen on seeing just new servers and getting them to work.
Importing servers will eventually be easier than the old webui, with the potential of being able to even upload from the webui (large archives, yes), but again–I’m trying to keep this round of testing limited to how most people will be using MIneOS at the start: creating successfully a new server and getting it running.
If we know getting a server running goes smoothly, so will importing. Importing does work (merely by putting the directory in the /var/games/minecraft/servers, just as before) it is just not yet in the webui.
I’ll be creating a video soon on the features and the workflow, but I’d like to see how it is able to be used without that knowledge, as most users don’t watch the video and I want to have the best possible feedback and first impressions.
I’m really excited about this new iteration and I hope it far exceeds the expectations from the previous web-ui.
Thanks, and I hope the instructions on the github page get you guys started really easily!