List of Forge server Jar's?

It doesn’t appear that Forge is a single step process:

will@willonubuntu:/var/games/minecraft/servers/asdf$ java -jar forge-1.8- --installServer
We appear to be missing one or more essential library files.
You will need to add them to your server before FML and Forge will run net.minecraft.launchwrapper.Launch
        at Method)
        at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(
        at sun.misc.Launcher$AppClassLoader.loadClass(
        at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(
        at java.lang.Class.forName0(Native Method)
        at java.lang.Class.forName(
        at net.minecraftforge.fml.relauncher.ServerLaunchWrapper.main(

Am I even working with the server software or the client? I don’t know forge well.

The universal is just the mod portion of Forge. You need to run:

 `forge-1.8- --installServer`

which creates everything that the server needs, and then you execute forge-1.8- to run the server, which could be selected from the dropdown within the server properties that allows selection of the jar.

As best as i can tell, that’s the current list of both latest and recommended builds as seen on it has 1.8, 1.7.10, 1.7.2, etc.

It only goes back to minecraft version 1.5.2 as i believe before that the install method was different / more complex, and not the system they use now.

Already have most of it implemented in the webui. But the problem I’m having right now has nothing to do with MineOS.

will@willonubuntu:/var/games/minecraft/servers/ffff$ java -jar forge-1.6.3- --installServer
Installing server to current directory
MESSAGE: Considering library
The server installed successfully, you should now be able to run the file minecraftforge-universal-1.6.3-
You can delete this installer file now if you wish
will@willonubuntu:/var/games/minecraft/servers/ffff$ ls
cron.config                           minecraftforge-universal-1.6.3-
forge-1.6.3-  minecraft_server.1.6.3.jar
libraries                             server.config
will@willonubuntu:/var/games/minecraft/servers/ffff$ java -jar minecraftforge-universal-1.6.3- nogui
We appear to be missing one or more essential library files.
You will need to add them to your server before FML and Forge will run net.minecraft.launchwrapper.Launch
        at Method)
        at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(
        at sun.misc.Launcher$AppClassLoader.loadClass(
        at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(
        at java.lang.Class.forName0(Native Method)
        at java.lang.Class.forName(
        at cpw.mods.fml.relauncher.ServerLaunchWrapper.main(

forge-1.8- --installServer is already done. I’m just trying to start the server–manually–from the command line.

As per

1.6.x and previous require manual jar META-INF adjustments

So it may not be possible to support 1.6.x and earlier forge from the webui. I don’t know.

I did the following in ~/temp (i used an ubuntu server 15.4 vm)


let this command run, it’ll stop and return to a prompt.

java -jar forge-1.8- --installServer

This command will spam some error text as it cant find files such as ops.json, etc, eventually it’ll prompt you to accept the eula, at which point I killed the process(ctrl-c). Edit the eula, set to true, then rerun this command. You’ll see a few more errors as it finish creating the missing files, but the server starts after that.

java -jar forge-1.8-

It’s my belief that any command you can issue you minecraft_server.jar can be passe to the forge jar, and it will in turn pass it to the actual server jar that is downloaded by the installer.

This functionality is already 100% working in a new branch:

The problem is that there is no indicator of a forge-related failure when it fails on 1.6.x

i did a test run using 1.6.4, had no errors. 1.6.3 fails, but apparently it is broken, and wasn’t ever fixed as they moved to 1.6.4 as 1.6.3 had some sort of critical error.

(Ever wondered why nobody uses 1.6.3? Exactly: it’s broken. Just use 1.6.4, it’s technically the same as 1.6.2. If anybody needs 1.6.2, they are doing something wrong). (source)

Ooo shiny. Thank you so very much. Now to go and play with it.

I would suggest just ignoring the entry for 1.6.3. altogether.

Once again, thank you.

i found the json for the full list of downloads, not just the most recent dev build / recommended build, but as the admin over on forge indicated, they didn’t want to just put it out there. Is there a way i can send you a link to the forum post i found it on, so that you can include that in the forge build?

Pretty much each profile group can get one HTTP request, and I’m using the promotions one.

I pulled these changes into the master branch and it actually takes care of --installServer for the user now. And then lastly, it’s actually only showing 1.7.x+, They seem to work. If almost all 1.6.x versions work, I’ll think about removing that filter (did these commits without seeing your posts here).

The only thing I really need to fix is I need the runnable jar dropdown to AUTO refresh after the server goes down. Right now, the user has to refresh it after the --installServer, either through browser refresh or the “refresh server list” options.

Other than that, I can start 1.7 and 1.8 servers from the webui now without any additional knowledge.

Sounds great. Thank you again for looking into this, and making it happen.


This is now also done in the latest commit. When you start the server with the installer jar, it pops up a notice that the background process went down and the jar dropdown is now auto-refreshed.

Not sure if it’s a just forge profiles in the new commit or all profiles but I seem to have a problem.

this is the set of errors when I download a new profile then copy it into a new server.

{“profile”:{“id”:“1.7.10-recommended”,“time”:1433916699,“releaseTime”:1433916699,“type”:“release”,“group”:“forge”,“webui_desc”:“Forge Jar (build 1448)”,“weight”:0,“downloaded”:true,“filename”:“forge-1.7.10-”,“version”:“1.7.10”,“release_version”:“”,“url”:“",“$$hashKey”:“object:1648”},“command”:“download”,“level”:“info”,“message”:"[WEBUI] Received emit command from”,“timestamp”:“2015-09-12T04:40:01.799Z”}
{“level”:“error”,“message”:“[WEBUI] Server was unable to download file:",“timestamp”:"2015-09-12T04:40:01.981Z”}
{“server”:“nginx”,“date”:“Sat, 12 Sep 2015 04:41:20 GMT”,“content-type”:“text/html”,“content-length”:“162”,“connection”:“keep-alive”,“vary”:“Accept-Encoding”,“level”:“error”,“message”:“[WEBUI] Remote server returned status 404 with headers:”,“timestamp”:“2015-09-12T04:40:01.981Z”}
{“level”:“info”,“message”:“[WEBUI] Downloading official profiles.”,“timestamp”:“2015-09-12T04:40:01.982Z”}
{“level”:“info”,“message”:“[ordonew] issued command : "modify_sc"”,“timestamp”:“2015-09-12T04:40:03.034Z”}
{“level”:“info”,“message”:“[ordonew] received request "modify_sc"”,“timestamp”:“2015-09-12T04:40:03.034Z”}
{“level”:“info”,“message”:“[ordonew] issued command : "modify_sc"”,“timestamp”:“2015-09-12T04:42:10.091Z”}
{“level”:“info”,“message”:“[ordonew] received request "modify_sc"”,“timestamp”:“2015-09-12T04:42:10.092Z”}
{“level”:“info”,“message”:“[ordonew] issued command : "copy_profile"”,“timestamp”:“2015-09-12T04:42:18.158Z”}
{“level”:“info”,“message”:“[ordonew] received request "copy_profile"”,“timestamp”:“2015-09-12T04:42:18.159Z”}
{“command”:“copy_profile”,“uuid”:“a5d68ce0-5908-11e5-9462-4f3f72ae0dbd”,“time_initiated”:1442032938159,“success”:false,“err”:1,“time_resolved”:1442032938198,“level”:“error”,“message”:“[ordonew] command "copy_profile" errored out:”,“timestamp”:“2015-09-12T04:42:18.200Z”}

On 9/11/2015 5:12 PM, hexparrot wrote:

[hexparrot] hexparrot Elder
September 12

The only thing I really need to fix is I need the runnable jar dropdown to AUTO refresh after the server goes down. Right now, the user has to refresh it after the --installServer, either through browser refresh or the "refresh server list" options.

This is now also done in the latest commit. When you start the server with the installer jar, it pops up a notice that the background process went down and the jar dropdown is now auto-refreshed.

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It doesn’t seem to have downloaded. Try downloading it again, or a different forge one?

What’s the best practice for updating mineos-nodes?

Also, what is the possibility/ETA of getting this over to FreeNAS?

TY Donnie

I don’t maintain the FreeNAS plugin–though the author does frequent these Forums. Unfortunately, I’m unable to provide any timeframes for when the MineOS plugins will be updated and I don’t know enough about plugin dev to really look into it much myself.

That said, is there a reason that the FreeNAS plugins’ git repository couldn’t just be updated to match the current dev that happens daily?

with versions prior to mineos-nodes (when it was based on php, plugin versions 9.3.2 and earlier) you could run the command ‘service mineos update’

however, with that being said, i don’t know how the new mineos-nodes is going to handle having that command run. so use this at your own risk, and i would suggest backing up your servers before doing so.

It came out that it wasn’t updating due to a changed file due to the setup script. Joshua found the issue and is planning on patching the script when he gets a moment.