WebUI Profiles not displaying

I’m able to log into my server, just when I click on Profiles I can choose what I want in drop down boxes, but nothing is displayed below. Same with Spigot/Craftbukkit profiles. If I was to view server info I can change to view all the diifferent pages of info, Server.properties, restore points, archives scheduling. I’m able to shut down and start my server, in box to change profile I only can see Spigot or PaperSpigot options. I have tried /bin/bash update_webui.sh and it fails, I also tried /bin/bash reset_webui.sh get the same.

/bin/bash reset_webui.sh
bash: games/minecraft#: No such file or directory
Script execution started on: Fri Dec 23 11:16:15 EST 2016
Updating mineos-node repository…fatal: unable to access ‘https://github.com/hexparrot/mineos-node/’: Failed to connect to github.com port 443: Connection timed out

Come to find out the error I got during reset was an issue with my internet, that has been fixed and the reset finished with no errors. Still can’t see profiles.

Does /var/log/mineos.log show anything?

Best I can tell the only thing from this year is this, that don’t make sense to me.

Setting node javascript files to executable…OK
Script execution ended on: Fri Dec 23 15:02:19 EST 2016
{“level”:“info”,“message”:"[WEBUI] mc connected from",“timestamp”:“2016-12-23T20:02:40.058Z”}
{“level”:“info”,“message”:"[AWForge] mc ( joined server namespace",“timestamp”:“2016-12-23T20:02:41.038Z”}
{“level”:“info”,“message”:"[AaronsWorld] mc ( joined server namespace",“timestamp”:“2016-12-23T20:02:41.875Z”}
{“level”:“info”,“message”:"[Bungee] mc ( joined server namespace",“timestamp”:“2016-12-23T20:02:41.875Z”}
{“level”:“info”,“message”:"[Creative] mc ( joined server namespace",“timestamp”:“2016-12-23T20:02:41.875Z”}
{“level”:“info”,“message”:"[Faction] mc ( joined server namespace",“timestamp”:“2016-12-23T20:02:41.875Z”}
{“level”:“info”,“message”:"[Forge] mc ( joined server namespace",“timestamp”:“2016-12-23T20:02:41.875Z”}
{“level”:“info”,“message”:"[Lobby] mc ( joined server namespace",“timestamp”:“2016-12-23T20:02:41.875Z”}
{“level”:“info”,“message”:"[Mini] mc ( joined server namespace",“timestamp”:“2016-12-23T20:02:41.875Z”}
{“level”:“info”,“message”:"[Private] mc ( joined server namespace",“timestamp”:“2016-12-23T20:02:41.875Z”}
{“level”:“info”,“message”:"[Skyblock] mc ( joined server namespace",“timestamp”:“2016-12-23T20:02:41.876Z”}
{“level”:“info”,“message”:"[Survival] mc ( joined server namespace",“timestamp”:“2016-12-23T20:02:41.876Z”}
{“level”:“info”,“message”:"[Vanilla] mc ( joined server namespace",“timestamp”:“2016-12-23T20:02:41.876Z”}
{“level”:“info”,“message”:"[Walkin] mc ( joined server namespace",“timestamp”:“2016-12-23T20:02:41.876Z”}
{“level”:“info”,“message”:"[AWForge] transmittting existing file contents: logs/latest.log (297 bytes)",“timestamp”:“2016-12-23T20:02:42.180Z”}
{“level”:“info”,“message”:"[AaronsWorld] transmittting existing file contents: logs/latest.log (6669 bytes)",“timestamp”:“2016-12-23T20:02:42.681Z”}
{“level”:“info”,“message”:"[Creative] transmittting existing file contents: logs/latest.log (18974 bytes)",“timestamp”:“2016-12-23T20:02:42.845Z”}
{“level”:“info”,“message”:"[Faction] transmittting existing file contents: logs/latest.log (30167 bytes)",“timestamp”:“2016-12-23T20:02:42.951Z”}
{“level”:“info”,“message”:"[Forge] transmittting existing file contents: logs/latest.log (148 bytes)",“timestamp”:“2016-12-23T20:02:43.127Z”}
{“level”:“info”,“message”:"[Lobby] transmittting existing file contents: logs/latest.log (13657 bytes)",“timestamp”:“2016-12-23T20:02:43.439Z”}
{“level”:“info”,“message”:"[Mini] transmittting existing file contents: logs/latest.log (26431 bytes)",“timestamp”:“2016-12-23T20:02:44.617Z”}
{“level”:“info”,“message”:"[Private] transmittting existing file contents: logs/latest.log (1516 bytes)",“timestamp”:“2016-12-23T20:02:44.700Z”}
{“level”:“info”,“message”:"[Skyblock] transmittting existing file contents: logs/latest.log (24022 bytes)",“timestamp”:“2016-12-23T20:02:45.215Z”}
{“level”:“info”,“message”:"[Survival] transmittting existing file contents: logs/latest.log (56606 bytes)",“timestamp”:“2016-12-23T20:02:45.548Z”}
{“level”:“info”,“message”:"[Vanilla] transmittting existing file contents: logs/latest.log (23189 bytes)",“timestamp”:“2016-12-23T20:02:45.771Z”}
{“level”:“info”,“message”:"[Walkin] transmittting existing file contents: logs/latest.log (23376 bytes)",“timestamp”:“2016-12-23T20:02:46.018Z”}

after a few hours the internet was fix I refresh the profiles again and it started to work, I refreshed it countless times today with not luck. I do know my internet was doing crazy things, I could connect to server SSH and the client could ping the servers but not connect, I was updating the server and when I check to make sure I updated the server using /version it came back with an error version not known, I reloaded client and discovered I was have issues with my internet. if must of mess something up, but it seems to have fixed itself. Thanks for you help.