Problems with connecting SSH

I tryed to connect through SSH to my server, i have mineos turnkey. but it does not work, i connect with the root account, i type the password and it says it is incorrect. But im 100000% sure that is the password! i used two softwares. i need to update the web-ui. so my question is "Can i connect through the root account? or do i need to enable it? i can connect with the “mc” account

So i have read the wiki, that i need to enable it! So when i login with the mc account to my server through sftp and i go to /etc/ssh/sshd_config and want to change it, but it does not allow me! it says: Permission Denied, i dont know what to do!

Is it possible for you to log in with mc successfully?

If so, you’ll get a command prompt. You can then type in su - which will allow you to type in your root password and become root.