Exporting and Importing via a shell not GUI

How do you move a minecraft world from one mineos server to another? I run my mineos in a FreeNas plugin and the latest update killed the GUI. I have a world my kids play on. Can I just move it from one mineos server to another? If so how, it doesn’t appear to be a simple copy from one server to another.


The gui creates archives, .tar.gz of the server directory. You can copy that directory or tar all it yourself.

Also you can undo the update with git? It’d be interesting to know what broke it though. You can checkout an old commit. Am I guessing you just updated to the latest commit? If so, can you share the error in the /var/log/mineos.log?

Here is from my log. I hope it make’s since… I did run the command to create a new cert.

18/Jul/2015:23:18:41] HTTP
Request Headers:
CONNECTION: keep-alive
ACCEPT: application/json, text/javascript, /; q=0.01
USER-AGENT: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/43.0.2357.134 Safari/537.36
ACCEPT-ENCODING: gzip, deflate, sdch
COOKIE: session_id=af6e3c0dd2f08f0d2ae4266681a26859e479fbb7
[18/Jul/2015:23:18:41] HTTP Traceback (most recent call last):
File “/usr/pbi/mineos-amd64/lib/python2.7/site-packages/cherrypy/_cprequest.py”, line 656, in respond
response.body = self.handler()
File “/usr/pbi/mineos-amd64/lib/python2.7/site-packages/cherrypy/lib/encoding.py”, line 188, in call
self.body = self.oldhandler(*args, **kwargs)
File “/usr/pbi/mineos-amd64/lib/python2.7/site-packages/cherrypy/lib/jsontools.py”, line 60, in json_handler
value = cherrypy.serving.request._json_inner_handler(*args, **kwargs)
File “/usr/pbi/mineos-amd64/lib/python2.7/site-packages/cherrypy/_cpdispatch.py”, line 34, in call
return self.callable(*self.args, **self.kwargs)
File “/usr/pbi/mineos-amd64/share/mineos/mineos/mounts.py”, line 25, in newfunc
return func(*args, **kwargs)
File “/usr/pbi/mineos-amd64/share/mineos/mineos/mounts.py”, line 207, in dashboard
primary_group = getgrgid(getpwnam(self.login).pw_gid).gr_name
KeyError: ‘getpwnam(): name not found: None’

[02/Aug/2015:22:55:32] ENGINE Restarting because /usr/pbi/mineos-amd64/etc/mineos.conf changed.
[02/Aug/2015:22:55:32] ENGINE Stopped thread ‘Autoreloader’.
[02/Aug/2015:22:55:32] ENGINE Bus STOPPING
[02/Aug/2015:22:55:32] ENGINE HTTP Server cherrypy._cpwsgi_server.CPWSGIServer((‘’, 8080)) shut down
[02/Aug/2015:22:55:32] ENGINE Stopped thread ‘Session cleanup’.
[02/Aug/2015:22:55:32] ENGINE Stopped thread ‘Monitor’.
[02/Aug/2015:22:55:32] ENGINE Stopped thread ‘_TimeoutMonitor’.
[02/Aug/2015:22:55:32] ENGINE Bus STOPPED
[02/Aug/2015:22:55:32] ENGINE Bus EXITING
[02/Aug/2015:22:55:32] ENGINE PID file removed: ‘/var/run/mineos.pid’.
[02/Aug/2015:22:55:32] ENGINE Bus EXITED
[02/Aug/2015:22:55:32] ENGINE Waiting for child threads to terminate…
[02/Aug/2015:22:55:32] ENGINE Re-spawning /usr/pbi/mineos-amd64/share/mineos/mineos/server.py -c /usr/pbi/mineos-amd64/etc/mineos.conf
[02/Aug/2015:23:36:13] ENGINE Bus STARTING
[02/Aug/2015:23:36:13] ENGINE Forking once.
[02/Aug/2015:23:36:13] ENGINE Forking twice.
[02/Aug/2015:23:36:13] ENGINE Daemonized to PID: 14403
[02/Aug/2015:23:36:13] ENGINE PID 14403 written to ‘/var/run/mineos.pid’.
[02/Aug/2015:23:36:13] ENGINE Started monitor thread ‘_TimeoutMonitor’.
[02/Aug/2015:23:36:13] ENGINE Started monitor thread ‘Monitor’.
[02/Aug/2015:23:36:13] ENGINE Started monitor thread ‘Autoreloader’.
[02/Aug/2015:23:36:13] ENGINE Serving on
[02/Aug/2015:23:36:13] ENGINE Bus STARTED
[02/Aug/2015:23:37:13] ENGINE Started monitor thread ‘Session cleanup’.
[31/Aug/2015:13:26:55] ENGINE Restarting because /usr/pbi/mineos-amd64/etc/mineos.conf changed.
[31/Aug/2015:13:26:56] ENGINE Stopped thread ‘Autoreloader’.
[31/Aug/2015:13:26:56] ENGINE Bus STOPPING
[31/Aug/2015:13:26:56] ENGINE HTTP Server cherrypy._cpwsgi_server.CPWSGIServer((‘’, 8080)) shut down
[31/Aug/2015:13:26:56] ENGINE Stopped thread ‘Monitor’.
[31/Aug/2015:13:26:56] ENGINE Stopped thread ‘Session cleanup’.
[31/Aug/2015:13:26:56] ENGINE Stopped thread ‘_TimeoutMonitor’.
[31/Aug/2015:13:26:56] ENGINE Bus STOPPED
[31/Aug/2015:13:26:56] ENGINE Bus EXITING
[31/Aug/2015:13:26:56] ENGINE PID file removed: ‘/var/run/mineos.pid’.
[31/Aug/2015:13:26:56] ENGINE Bus EXITED
[31/Aug/2015:13:33:39] ENGINE Bus STARTING
[31/Aug/2015:13:33:39] ENGINE Forking once.
[31/Aug/2015:13:33:39] ENGINE Forking twice.
[31/Aug/2015:13:33:39] ENGINE Daemonized to PID: 21254
[31/Aug/2015:13:33:39] ENGINE PID 21254 written to ‘/var/run/mineos.pid’.
[31/Aug/2015:13:33:39] ENGINE Started monitor thread ‘_TimeoutMonitor’.
[31/Aug/2015:13:33:39] ENGINE Started monitor thread ‘Monitor’.
[31/Aug/2015:13:33:39] ENGINE Started monitor thread ‘Autoreloader’.
[31/Aug/2015:13:33:39] ENGINE Serving on
[31/Aug/2015:13:33:39] ENGINE Bus STARTED
[18/Sep/2015:16:28:06] ENGINE Started monitor thread ‘Session cleanup’.
{“level”:“info”,“message”:"[Home_Server] Discovered server",“timestamp”:“2015-09-19T02:34:54.961Z”}
{“level”:“info”,“message”:"[Home_Server] Created tail on logs/latest.log",“timestamp”:“2015-09-19T02:34:55.107Z”}
{“level”:“error”,“message”:"[Home_Server] Create tail on server.log failed",“timestamp”:“2015-09-19T02:34:55.108Z”}
{“level”:“info”,“message”:"[Home_Server] Watching for file generation: server.log",“timestamp”:“2015-09-19T02:34:55.108Z”}
{“level”:“error”,“message”:"[Home_Server] Create tail on proxy.log.0 failed",“timestamp”:“2015-09-19T02:34:55.108Z”}
{“level”:“info”,“message”:"[Home_Server] Watching for file generation: proxy.log.0",“timestamp”:“2015-09-19T02:34:55.108Z”}
{“level”:“info”,“message”:"[Home_Server] eula.txt detected: ACCEPTED (eula=true)",“timestamp”:“2015-09-19T02:34:55.603Z”}
{“level”:“info”,“message”:"[Home_Server] autostart = true",“timestamp”:“2015-09-19T02:34:59.455Z”}
{“level”:“error”,“message”:"[Home_Server] Aborted server startup; condition not met: Cannot start server without a designated jar/phar.",“timestam”}
{“level”:“info”,“message”:"[Home_Server] Discovered server",“timestamp”:“2015-09-19T02:37:16.143Z”}
{“level”:“info”,“message”:"[Home_Server] Created tail on logs/latest.log",“timestamp”:“2015-09-19T02:37:16.144Z”}
{“level”:“error”,“message”:"[Home_Server] Create tail on server.log failed",“timestamp”:“2015-09-19T02:37:16.144Z”}
{“level”:“info”,“message”:"[Home_Server] Watching for file generation: server.log",“timestamp”:“2015-09-19T02:37:16.144Z”}
{“level”:“error”,“message”:"[Home_Server] Create tail on proxy.log.0 failed",“timestamp”:“2015-09-19T02:37:16.144Z”}
{“level”:“info”,“message”:"[Home_Server] Watching for file generation: proxy.log.0",“timestamp”:“2015-09-19T02:37:16.144Z”}
{“level”:“info”,“message”:"[Home_Server] eula.txt detected: ACCEPTED (eula=true)",“timestamp”:“2015-09-19T02:37:16.628Z”}
{“level”:“info”,“message”:"[Home_Server] autostart = true",“timestamp”:“2015-09-19T02:37:20.734Z”}
{“level”:“error”,“message”:"[Home_Server] Aborted server startup; condition not met: Cannot start server without a designated jar/phar.",“timestam”}

Here is the command I ran to try to fix it thinking it’s certs… I think it got a closer but still doesn’t work.

sh /usr/pbi/mineos-amd64/share/mineos/mineos-node/generate-sslcert.sh


I also tried importing last night by taking the /var/games/minecraft/servers/Home_Server folder as a zip file and placing it onto a new mineos jail and importing… yeah, that didnt work. In fact it broke the new mineos. I’ll try the archive.


I was able to import the archive. My archive was out of date, so I manually tar’d up the current instance and imported to my new jail instance. Now, I need to figure how to set my kids up as op’s on the server.

started a new thread for that.


It’d actually be a great help if you can share that archive that crashed the webui. I’m not sure how it did it, but it would be the best way to reproduce the issue and solve it (and better yet, learn to gracefully recover or even power through).

If there’s anything you can do to help me reproduce crashes, I always seek to improve the code base.

I eventually got it working. I blew away that server and used the archive instead of the tar I created. After importing, I then shut down the service and untar’s a copy from the original server on top of what the import of the archive created. I’m back up and running.

If you still want the zip I tried to import, I maybe able to email it to you.
