Connection Drops After Signing In (Cannot read property 'split' of undefined)

I have an issue where I can load the Web-UI login screen, but when I log in with the correct credentials, the connections will drop.

Looking at the logs (pasted below), it seems to be an issue with split in the line var new_hash = hash.sha512crypt(plaintext, salt); in auth.js. I installed mineos via the wget script on an Ubuntu Google Cloud VM.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

The following error is pushed to the mineos.log in /var/log/:

{"level":"info","message":"Starting up server, using commit: f821f64 added easy password testing suite\n","timestamp":"2021-12-30T15:58:04.837Z"}

    "date": "Thu Dec 30 2021 15:58:54 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)",
        "pid": 13952,
        "uid": 0,
        "gid": 0,
        "cwd": "/",
        "execPath": "/usr/bin/node",
        "version": "v10.24.1",
            "rss": 60305408,
            "heapTotal": 35373056,
            "heapUsed": 20377184,
            "external": 1302501
        "uptime": 27061
            "column": 28,
            "file": "/usr/games/minecraft/node_modules/sha512crypt-node/sha512crypt.js",
            "function": "Object.sha512crypt",
            "line": 129,
            "method": "sha512crypt",
            "native": false
            "column": 33,
            "file": "/usr/games/minecraft/auth.js",
            "function": null,
            "line": 22,
            "method": null,
            "native": false
            "column": 20,
            "file": "/usr/games/minecraft/node_modules/etc-passwd/index.js",
            "function": null,
            "line": 60,
            "method": null,
            "native": false
            "column": 13,
            "file": "events.js",
            "function": "EventEmitter.emit",
            "line": 198,
            "method": "emit",
            "native": false
            "column": 21,
            "file": "/usr/games/minecraft/node_modules/etc-passwd/index.js",
            "function": null,
            "line": 42,
            "method": null,
            "native": false
            "column": 13,
            "file": "events.js",
            "function": "LineReadStream.emit",
            "line": 198,
            "method": "emit",
            "native": false
            "column": 26,
            "file": "/usr/games/minecraft/node_modules/lazylines/lazylines.js",
            "function": null,
            "line": 29,
            "method": null,
            "native": false
            "column": 13,
            "file": "events.js",
            "function": "ReadStream.emit",
            "line": 198,
            "method": "emit",
            "native": false
            "column": 12,
            "file": "_stream_readable.js",
            "function": "addChunk",
            "line": 288,
            "method": null,
            "native": false
            "column": 11,
            "file": "_stream_readable.js",
            "function": "readableAddChunk",
            "line": 269,
            "method": null,
            "native": false
        "TypeError: Cannot read property 'split' of undefined",
        "    at Object.sha512crypt (/usr/games/minecraft/node_modules/sha512crypt-node/sha512crypt.js:129:28)",
        "    at /usr/games/minecraft/auth.js:22:33",
        "    at EventEmitter.<anonymous> (/usr/games/minecraft/node_modules/etc-passwd/index.js:60:20)",
        "    at EventEmitter.emit (events.js:198:13)",
        "    at LineReadStream.<anonymous> (/usr/games/minecraft/node_modules/etc-passwd/index.js:42:21)",
        "    at LineReadStream.emit (events.js:198:13)",
        "    at ReadStream.<anonymous> (/usr/games/minecraft/node_modules/lazylines/lazylines.js:29:26)",
        "    at ReadStream.emit (events.js:198:13)",
        "    at addChunk (_stream_readable.js:288:12)",
        "    at readableAddChunk (_stream_readable.js:269:11)"
    "level": "error",
    "message": "uncaughtException: Cannot read property 'split' of undefined",
    "timestamp": "2021-12-30T15:58:54.316Z"

{"level":"info","message":"Starting up server, using commit: f821f64 added easy password testing suite\n","timestamp":"2021-12-30T15:58:55.088Z"}

Are you logging in with a password? As in, does the account have a password?