I need some help

Every time I log in, I try to create a server, it does NOTHING. I refresh the page, and I’m logged out. It’s like the session’s expired as soon as it is created. I need help! - I am using MineOS Node

Did you run the Web-UI as root?

Did you install the webui manually or are you using mineos turnkey?

When you say you’re logged out, what do you see, the login page?

And as asked above, are you using a non root user?

I am using an account with most root access, but it’s not root. And yes, I see the login page. No, it’s not turnkey, we installed MineOS-Node manually.

You need to execute as root.
I had run node webui as a high level user and had the same results as you, once I ran node webui as root using sudo, it ran without quitting.